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Post 163 Newsletters
1 June 2024
Commander - Linda Newman
Our Post is alive and growning again! It has been awhile since the website has been updated or a newsletter has been published, so thought I should update the website and get something quick written here....
This past year Post 163 saw an increase in its numbers of paid members, this number includes both people who are new to the Post as well as those who had walked away due to various reasons in the past. We hope to continue to grow our membership in the upcoming year, and I want you to know that you are a vital part in the growth and health of our Post.
Membership in the American Legion runs from January 1 through December 31st; however, the drive for membership renewal starts on July 1st for the upcoming year. This is so that come January 1st everyone has had a chance to renew and there is no lapse in your membership.
Membership dues for the 2025 year will be continue to be $50, please send your payment to the post in a timely manner, as this is the quickest, most efficient way to pay them. This will save you from getting those annoying and unending renewal notices in the mail, and save the Legion money because they won’t have to send out so many reminders. An additional bonus is it saves wear and tear on our 2nd Vice Commander which will free him up to handle his other responsibilities.
At our April 13th meeting we had our annual Election of Officers, and most were installed at a ceremony on Memorial Day at the Veteran Hall which was followed by a lunch.
Officers for the 2024/2025 year are as follows:
• Commander - Linda Newman
• 1st Vice Commander - Edwin Allert
• 2nd Vice Commander - Sean Provart
• Adjutant/Finance Officer - Stephen Riley
• Members at Large (liaison between membership and Officers, if you have a concern and can’t or don’t want to bring it directly to an officer, you can ask one of the Members at Large to present your concerns/ideas to us)
- Josh Bowers and Anthony Hood
• Chaplain - Arlie Brown
• Post Service Officer - Josh Bowers
• Sgt at Arms - King Eldridge
• Historian - Josh Bower
• Judge Advocate - Arlie Brown
• Financial Audit Committee (Responsible for doing Quarterly Audits and signing off our our Annual Audit)
- Arlie Brown, Sean Provart, Josh Bowers
• Delegates to the Department of California Convention in June
- Linda Newman, Anthony Hood, River Byerley
• Alternate Delegates are:
- Steve Riley, Arlie Brown, and Ed Allert
Josh Bowers will also be attending Convention as his final act as District 3 Commander before relinquishing his seat to the incoming District Commander.
Post Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month and begin at 1:00 pm. We encourage everyone to attend the meetings if you are able to come. We recognize that there are reasons some are unable to attend due to other commitments, but we need everyone’s voice in order to be a strong and vibrant post.
We serve lunch prior to the meetings in order to give the members of our local American Legion and VFW Posts time to socialize with each other, as well as make sure those who belong to both organizations have an opportunity to get some food between the meetings. The food is free; however, we do put out a donation jar to help defray the costs of the food if you are able to contribute.
Like usual, summer is a busy time and we will need all those that can to pitch in and help. Some of our biggest fund raising events are those that happen during the summer months and we need participation from our members to make them successful. We understand everyone has a life and obligations outside of the Post, but we need everyone's involvement to help us be a successful post and effective in reaching out to and helping the Veterans not only in our Post but also in our community.
First event is Outdoor Expo on Saturday June 29th, which is the same weekend as Department Convention, meaning some of our normal volunteers will not be available. Contact Sean Provart if you can help with set up, working event, or clean up.
The very next weekend is Fandango Days starting off the day with a Parade followed by the normal booth. I think they are hoping the Park will be finished in time, but location is currently up in the air.
At both Outdoor Expo and Fandango Days we have a food booth selling Hamburgers and Hot Dogs, Chips and Soda/Water. We will need volunteers not only for the booth at both events, and also people to participate in the parade. Again, contact Sean Provart if you are willing to pitch in.
August is the Modoc District Fair in Cedarville. We will be doing a booth jointly with the Alturas VFW Post and need people from BOTH organizations willing to help man the booth for the fair. Set up is Wednesday, August 21st and the Fair runs Thursday through Sunday, with breakdown at 5 pm Sunday evening. It is a very long week if we only have a few people able to volunteers, so please even if you can only do a couple hours one of the days it will allow someone to get a meal break or have a chance to look at the rest of the fair. I can’t tell you the number of fairs that I didn’t have a chance to do anything but work our booth.
The fall brings back to school and cooler weather, as well as Color Guard for football games, Veterans Day, Festival of Lights Parade, Pearl Harbor Remembrance, and Joint Legion/VFW Christmas Party.
If you have any needs, questions, or concerns please feel free to let me or one of our officers know.
Linda Newman, Commander
Remember - Our Post Can Only Work With The Participation of Its Members!
Download a PDF File of Current and Past Newsletters
(Currently there are eight Newsletters available for Download)
© 2016 - Linda D Newman and Bob Lopez
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